Self care when you are stuck at home

There are so many different ways you can practice self care when you are stuck at home. First, let’s explore what self care is. Then, let’s talk about some examples.

What is self care?

Self care is a phrase that people throw around frequently, but what all does it encompass?

While self care can absolutely involve bubble baths and rest, it also involves things such as being productive and taking care of your physical health.

People often argue over whether self care is the “easy” work or the “hard” work.

Self care is not one or the other, but the balance of both.

The BACE method of self care

My favorite method of self care is the BACE method. It’s pretty simple. There are four categories: Body, Achievement, Connect with Others, and Enjoyment.

Your goal should be at a minimum to complete one thing from each category per day. If this feels easy to you, bump it up to where you find it’s just a little bit of a challenge to achieve.

Some things may overlap, and that is okay. Just put it in the category that you feel it makes the most sense for you.

Taking care of yourself is important in any situation, but it can be even harder when you are isolated from others. The following are some examples of things you can do as self care for when you are stuck at home.

Examples of “Body” self care for when you are stuck at home

  1. Maintain proper hygiene. I know how easy it is to skip a shower for a day if you aren’t going anywhere, but you will feel so much better if you shower anyway.
  2. Eat foods that make your body feel nourished. This doesn’t mean you need to stick to a strict diet, but I know I have more energy when I eat a variety of food groups in a balanced way.
  3. Exercise. Take your dog for a walk. Take yourself for a walk. Engage in joyful movement as your body allows.
  4. Get some sunshine. Your body and mind will thank you.

Examples of “Achievement” self care for when you are stuck at home

  1. Get caught up on projects around the house. Have you been meaning to redecorate your office or paint the bathroom? Now is a great time.
  2. Stay on top of household chores. Keep up with the dishes. Clean your bedroom.
  3. Work from home. If your job allows you to work from home, make sure you are taking advantage of this perk.
  4. Complete online coursework. If you’re taking classes, don’t let yourself fall behind in school! Try to watch the lectures live if this is an option for you.

Examples of “Connect with Others” self care for when you are stuck at home

  1. Utilize phone calls and text messages. Don’t let yourself stay isolated just because you are stuck at home.
  2. Use FaceTime or Skype. Video calls can be even better than phone calls or texts.
  3. Email your friends. I find that typing out a few paragraphs to friends now and then helps with feeling alone.
  4. Write letters. Is there anything better than receiving something in the mail that’s not a bill or an ad? I love getting letters and there are more people out there who like penpalling than you would think!

Examples of “Enjoyment” self care for when you are stuck at home

  1. Play games. You could play board games, do crossword puzzles, or play video games.
  2. Watch TV. There are so many interesting shows out there to keep you busy while you are stuck at home.
  3. Journal. There’s lots of different ways to journal and when you are stuck at home, you have a chance to try them out! You could try bullet journaling, art journaling, journaling about your day, or you could check out my post on gratitude journaling.
  4. Create something. Use those artistic capabilities. Draw, paint, or sculpt. Practice crocheting, sewing, or knitting.
  5. Learn a new skill. What’s something you’ve always wanted to know how to do, but have never had the time to learn? Well, now’s the perfect time!
  6. Read. Now’s a great time to catch up on all those books you bought but never read! I know I’ve got a few.

Keep a routine

Don’t forget the importance of sticking to a routine. People have a tendency to fall out of routines when they are stuck at home, but a routine can be immensely helpful.

Try to get up and go to bed at the same time each day.

If you are working from home, set working hours and stick to them.

Set certain times aside for productivity and leisure. Make sure you have a routine for meal times and hygiene.

Just remember: Self care isn’t selfish. So go ahead and practice some self care. You deserve it.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions, or comment below! (You can find my contact information here.) And don’t forget to subscribe to my email list so you can always keep up to date on my posts!

Until next time,
